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Dirty Dingus Magee

Dirty Dingus Magee (1970)

Puanın: 0
5 1 oy


Dirty Dingus Magee
Orijinal İsmi Dirty Dingus Magee
IMDb Rating 5.2 735 oy
TMDb Puanı 5.8 4 oy


Burt Kennedy


Frank Sinatra isDingus Billy Magee
Dingus Billy Magee
George Kennedy isHerkimer 'Hoke' Birdsill
Herkimer 'Hoke' Birdsill
Anne Jackson isBelle Nops
Belle Nops
Lois Nettleton isPrudence Frost (schoolteacher)
Prudence Frost (schoolteacher)
Jack Elam isJohn Wesley Hardin
John Wesley Hardin
Michele Carey isAnna Hot Water
Anna Hot Water
John Dehner isBrig. Gen. George
Brig. Gen. George
Henry Jones isRev. Green
Rev. Green
Paul Fix isCrazy Blanket (Anna's father)
Crazy Blanket (Anna's father)

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